About Us

Every week in the UK 2 children are diagnosed with neuroblastoma. The prognosis for babies and children affected by neuroblastoma varies greatly. Unfortunately the largest group of patients fall into the ‘high-risk’ category where despite intensive treatment, the majority are not cured.

Children with advanced neuroblastoma can receive chemotherapy, surgery, radiation therapy, stem cell transplant, and immunotherapy. Specialists in America and Europe are working together, sharing information and trialling different treatments in different countries. A range of different treatments using special antibodies are being trialled in Europe—including the UK—and the USA.

The criteria for participation in these trials vary to some extent, which is why some children have to travel to America or Germany. In addition, not all treatments are available in this country. NCCA  funds their treatment abroad which is why we need your support. 

If you are the parent of a child that has been diagnosed with neuroblastoma and would like to find out if we can help you, please get in touch. You can contact us by:

Telephone       020 7284 0800
Fax                084 4774 6407

In writing to:  

NCCA UK, 5 Harmood Grove, London NW1 8DH

-or by using the form below.

Ultimately, we want to improve the outcome for all children with neuroblastoma.Please join us. Help us beat this childhood cancer!