Appeal with Us

If you want to raise funds for your child’s clinical neuroblastoma treatment abroad, there are good reasons for choosing a well-established charity like the NCCA UK to run the charity appeal for funds. 

  • You get access to a network of families who are going through similar issues and who will understand what you are experiencing. We support all families affected by neuroblastoma, including those that have lost a child to the illness.
  • As a registered charity, we can claim Gift Aid on donations made to children’s appeals. This means that for every £10 donated, the UK government gives us an additional £2.50.
  • You, your friends and people who want to support your child in your community, get professional fundraising support, guidance and resources. As well as helping with collection boxes, posters, wristbands, leaflets, sponsorship forms, t-shirts and running vests, setting up Virgin Money or Just Giving pages, the NCCA UK has a full-time fundraising co-ordinator and community fundraiser who will support your fundraising efforts.
  • We write promptly to everyone who donates to a child’s appeal to say thank you. We keep a proper, auditable record of all the funds raised for each child’s appeal. 
  • We make sure that Justgiving and Virgin Money Giving page appeal totals are updated regularly with the total donations so that everyone can see at a glance how much appeal have raised.
  • We send a thank you certificate to display when funds have been raised by group of people or organisation so that everyone who has donated can see that all the funds raised have gone to the charity.
  • We also send parents a detailed monthly income report so that families are informed of all the money that has been raised for their child’s appeal from every source. 
  • We can help you publicise your child’s story in the media. We offer this service because we recognise that parents whose children have been diagnosed with neuroblastoma may need comprehensive media support to minimise press intrusion. Our PR acts as initial point of contact for all media with support on hand during interviews. 
  • We hold regular events and meetings for parents, giving you an opportunity to meet other families affected by neuroblastoma and learn more about the latest research and treatment into the disease.
  • We are able to launch a public appeal when you have a clinical treatment aim for your child. 
  • If you have started anappeal with another charity but now wish to seek help from the NCCA UK, we would be pleased to consider your request for support. Should the Trustees agree to help, we would ask that you have just one public appeal with us. We ask you to do this as the feedback we have received from a range of sources shows us that the public is confused to see the same appeal with two different charities. Having one public appeal also means we can support your fundraising and carry out press and PR work more effectively. 
  • If you have raised funds from the public for your child’s treatment costs with another charity, we would ask you to arrange for that money to be paid over to the hospital where your child receives treatment. 
  • The charity was established in 2006 as the 2Simple Trust. Since then we have helped to fund clinical treatment for 21 children abroad. We are the only UK neuroblastoma charity that has achieved this.
  • In the tragic circumstance that your child passes away and there are remaining funds in your child’s treatment cost appeal, we will ask you to decide how you wish the funds to be used: to help another child, to fund research or education, or a mixture of these options.
  • The charity has an established board of trustees that includes a parent representative, a paediatric oncologist and other professionals. You can see Charity Commission details of the 2Simple Trust governance and accounting records and the NCCA UK by clicking the links. Alternatively visit and search under our current registration number (1135601) and the 2Simple Trust registration number (1113954) to find out more.